RED – The go-to Colour in Feng Shui; Harness the Power of Red in Your Life!

Hey, it’s Leigh Ann and its What’s Up Wednesday.

Welcome. Today what’s up is the colour red. Today you are going to learn how you can harness the power of red in your life. I’m going to share some tips with you on how you can weave it in and bring in that fiery red energy.

This past week I had a girlfriend over for tea. She said, you know what’s up with red in Feng Shui anyway? I thought hey, that’s a really good topic! I’m going to bring that to What’s Up Wednesday.

Let’s talk about red. In Feng Shui, red basically, it’s a very auspicious and lucky colour. It actually activates and attracts energy. And, it’s associated with the fire element. It’s transformational and it catalyzes change and it’s a real make it happen kind of colour.

Red really gets noticed. Red attracts attention. Let’s talk about a few ways you can bring that into your day today. If you are wanting to transform your life, get a nice red journal. Write your gratitude in it every day. If you just want to journal and write your affirmations of things you are wanting to create. Your hopes, your dreams, do it in a nice red journal to activate the energy of what you are wanting to create.

If you are a business owner, and you are wanting to make things happen and take your business to the next level, get a nice red planning book. Where you can put your planning ideas. Your strategies. Your ideas, inspirations, things like that, to record in a nice red book.

If you are looking to bring more wealth into your world, what better than a red wallet. Or maybe a red purse. Something like that. That will attract the money energy into your life. If you want to really own your power, this is one thing I recommend every woman has is a kick ass pair of red shoes.

I actually bought a pair of red shoes that was calling my name when I was at the till of the shoe store downtown. The light was shining down on it, and they were red. Actually I have never had more compliments on a pair of shoes than those red shoes. So get some red shoes and activate that energy of red into your life and get noticed.

The other thing you can do, too, is put on some red lipstick. It gets noticed. It’s like here I am and I am going to make things happen. It’s very subtle, just a little amount. I guess it’s not subtle. What I mean is you don’t have red all over you. It’s just on your lips. It’s attractive, yet it’s just enough to get noticed. That’s the thing about red. You don’t want to overdo it. Because if you overdo it is overstimulating. You just want to bring in a little bit.

The other thing you can do to own your power is get red undergarments. Nice bra and panties in red. Get a whole selection. Wear them for a week and it will change your day to day. It will give you this feeling really good and powerful and you’ll be able to own it. Try that out.

The other thing is, red is associated with romance and love. If you are ready for some romance, bring some red elements into your bedroom. How you can do that is a couple of throw cushions on your bed. Maybe you get a nice beautiful pair of red candles. Of course it’s got the fire energy with the flame as well. And you can light them.

You can also get luxurious red sheets. And the tone of red you should go with is a more earthy tone for your bedroom. Because you don’t really want a bright red, like what I’m wearing here, on your bed when you are trying to sleep. Something earthy will bring the romance out.

Flowers. I’m always a big proponent of flowers in the bedroom. Get some red flowers to put on your dresser to bring in that beautiful punch of energy.

Then, of course, one of the most important places of your home is the mouth of your home. What we call the mouth of your home, which is the front entrance. Get a red matt for your door. And if you actually do get a red matt, please let me know where you got it, because I am on the search for a red matt. There doesn’t seem to be red matts out there. But all my clients, including myself, want to get a red matt for the Feng Shui of our front doors. So let me know if you find one. But a red matt’s always nice.

If you want to be super bold, that will definitely attract the energy into your home. Because that’s what it does.

Like I mentioned, you only need a little punch of red. Because it’s got a whole lot of power to it, and you don’t want to overstimulate. If you want to get some more powerful tips in Feng Shui, please go to and download my free gift. In the meantime, harness the red in your life. Because it’s bold it’s daring. Its high voltage. It’s lucky. And get your red on, soul sista.

Until next week, have a great week!

Photo by Henry & Co.