4 Easy Steps to Celebrate Your Successes

Welcome to What’s Up Wednesday. I’m Leigh Ann Betts. And for those who don’t know me, I am the creator and founder of the Bust Your Busy Badge 30 day challenge. So, today, the inspiration behind these weekly series, called What’s Up Wednesday is basically to share with women some energetic tools that I have used in my life that have helped me get through obstacles. Basically helped me through personal development and experiences. So I wanted to do a fun, medium for women, that’s really super simple to use that they can have access to and it can be fun and we can share together.

So what’s up Wednesday? What’s up today? Basically, what’s up is that women are not celebrating their successes. We are not celebrating who we are. We are not celebrating ourselves. So I had a firsthand experience a few days ago. Basically I did a presentation to a group of women. And I asked them out at the very beginning, I said how many of you are ready to start celebrating your successes? And it’s like a balloon popped in the room. The women sunk back into their chairs. A couple of them raised their hand, like this. And I realized, I wasn’t the only one. That this was a bigger problem.

So the What’s Up Wednesday was basically when I would see something that I was experiencing and see that other women were struggling with the same things, I wanted to share some really great energetic tools that have helped me.

So, let’s talk about celebrating our successes for a moment. I think we’re our hardest critics. Women tend to look at their mistakes. And really dwell on them, no matter how small they are. And we forget to look how fantastic we are doing everything else in our life. So I wanted this to be about today is to share with you how we can begin to shift our energy.

Because when we’re focusing on all of the things we are doing wrong, that’s what we get more of. So instead, let’s focus on what we’re doing right. And let’s take a moment of our day to celebrate ourselves. And that’s not like for everybody else. It’s actually for us. It’s for us to celebrate how freaking amazing we are. So are you ready to do that?

So I’m going to tell you about this four step process. So there are four steps. And it’s from the Lazarus materials. And basically I learned this in my life coaching training. And I’ve been using it for the last while. And I think it’s amazing. It really does shift your energy. It’s something you can do in a minute or less.

Let’s do the four steps. The first step, I want you to write down or keep in mind, is recognize the success. So what are you celebrating? What are you going to celebrate? Could it be that you went to your exercise class? Maybe you ate a really good meal that you cooked. You had your smoothies with all the greens and probiotics and all the good stuff in it. Or it could be something as simple, if you are really having a hard time, it could be something like I’m breathing today. I’m going to celebrate that. Or I went to bed early. I actually got to read a chapter in my book. So you get the picture. It can be something, or anything, whether it’s big or small, to celebrate your success.

So, after you’ve recognized the success, step two is you’re going to acknowledge who created the success. And guess what this is? It’s you. You did it. So, you’re going to say to yourself, I did it. I created the success. And you know, you might want to give some love and a shout out to other people that may have helped you with your success. It could be like your husband or partner or potentially a colleague. Maybe you finished a project. And they helped you out with that. But the second thing is to acknowledge you did the success.

Now we are up to step three. And step three is celebrating the success. But we’re not celebrating it in our minds. This is something where we’ve had a disconnect as women. We’re actually going to feel it in our body. So go in, I like to close my eyes, find where I’m feeling that success in my body. And I want to amplify it. I want to amplify that energy throughout my entire body. And just really be with it, and feel it.

And then, from there, even if you want, sometimes this is what I do is I expand it out into the room. And I try to expand it across the town I live in. and imagine expanding it outward. But just really connecting to that awesome energy that’s making you feel so good, celebrating the success that you have made.
So now we’re on to step four. And there are two parts to step four. The first part is, when you are with that energy about how good it feels, how the success feels to you, what you really want to do is imagine carrying that energy with you every day of your life. That you have this energy from your day to day, taking the kids to school, whatever it is you’re doing, doing your job, making a difference, all of the things you are doing, imagine having that energy.

And then, the second part of step four, which is expanding success, this is my favorite part, is you’re going to anchor in that energy, or that feeling, with a success move. That’s right. You are going to create a success move. I will tell you what my success move is, and yours can be anything you want, right? So mine is like this, and I say, I’ve got this.

Some of my friends have done things like this, you could do a little dance. You can do whatever comes to you. But I dare you to intuitively come up with a move. So I’m going to walk you through this process. And when we go through this process, I want you, whatever first comes to mind as your success move, do it. So you game to try this?

Okay, so let’s start at the beginning. So everyone just think of something in the last 24 hours that’s a success for you. So just take a moment and think about that success. You might want to close your eyes. And then, the second thing you’re going to do is you’re going to acknowledge who created that success. You did. So say to yourself, I did.

And if there’s somebody else that you want to give some gratitude to that helped create that success, give them a shout out.

Now, what I want you to do in step three is we’re going to celebrate that success. So just check in with your body and feel where that success is residing. And might be in your stomach. It might be in your heart. Then just imagine that radiating out into your entire body. And just be in that. It’s like us connecting to our childlike nature. It’s connecting to our feeling nature. So be totally in it, feeling your success.

Now, in step four, we’re going to do the first part which is expanding that success to the rest of your life. So imagine your day to day, feeling in that way. Imagining, maybe you’ll get a visual of how that would unfold. Or maybe you’re just connecting to that feeling.

Okay, and this is my favorite part. This is the second part of step four. And it’s your success move. This is where you are going to anchor in that feeling. So, do whatever comes to mind. And if you want to share what your success move is, on the chat, please do. I would love to hear it.

So yeah, I’ve got this! That’s like the super easy, four step process that you can do. And honestly, you can do it every time that you have a success. It takes less than a minute. And you know why it’s so important that we do this as women? Is because we need to shift our energy. And we have to step in our power and realize how freaking amazing we are. You are amazing. So let’s bring that energy into our day to day. And as a result, it’s really going to affect your energy. So, I invite you to try this in your life. And there’s a couple different ways to do that to see how this will fit in.

So you can do it as the success has happened. Just run through the recognize, acknowledge, celebrate and expand the success. You can do that. Or if you have a morning or evening ritual that you like to do, like with your daily stretching or maybe at night if you do a meditation. Just run through your day and think of one success that you have. And go through and celebrate it.

But for those who are a little bit more gung ho, I really challenge you to try this. This is what I tried. And continue to do. And it’s actually program your handheld device for alarms to go throughout the day, up to eight times a day, have them programmed. And each time, go into celebrating you. And you have to pick one thing to celebrate. And honestly, it’s like you’re shifting into your heart. Into that child-like nature. We’re getting out of our heads, we’re being really present. And we’re also raising our energy. So I would love to hear from all of you, if you try this out, and what you are feeling with it. And you know, if you have kids, share it with your kids, because it’s really a great thing for self-esteem.

So what else did I want to tell you about?

Yeah, if you are really interested in joining my soul sista tribe, go to Leighannbetts.com and I’ve got a free gift there about ways to boost your energy with some Feng Shui elements. So it’s a fun little booklet for you to take home and try out some things.

The other thing is, if you found this was useful information, I would love for you to share it. I want to do this every week. So whatever comes top of mind for women that they are dealing with from this Wednesday to next Wednesday, I’m going to bring it next Wednesday and just get a little nugget for each one of you to try in your lives. To shift your energy.

So, I just really want to say, until next Wednesday, go out and celebrate how freaking amazing you are, soul sista, until then, be abundant. Thanks for joining me.

Photo by Austin Schmid