Posts in Energy Tips
“Hey Soul Sista, that’s Bad Feng Shui!” 5 Feng Shui Blunders that may be Hijacking Your Success! Leigh Ann BettsMarch 6, 2017

So today, I want to share with you five Feng Shui blunders that can highjack the success in your life. Many of you may not know this, but I am a life coach, and in addition to that I have my Feng Shui practitioner certification through Mount Royal University. And Feng Shui is my secret weapon to bring more success into my life and into the lives of the women that I coach…

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A Better Alternative to the Often Failed New Year’s Resolution

I’m not a big fan of the New Year’s Resolution and I’ll tell you why. Because I feel like it’s like focusing on something in the past that we have failed to do. Mistakes that we’ve made that we carry forward into the New Year. And there seems to be this energy around it of dread. It’s kind of like sledging through. Like I’m going to do it this year. And instead, what I want to focus on is looking at the New Year as a clean slate. As a fresh start. And basically, this is what I’m inviting you to do, instead of doing the New Year’s resolution, as yourself, where does my energy want to go?…

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