Kickass Soul Sistas are Rockin’ It!

When I look for inspiration in my neck of the woods I find evidence all around me. Women ARE rockin’ it! What I mean is, they are making a kickass contribution and having a positive impact on their community.

And you know what the crazy thing is? These women probably don’t even know how kickass they really are!

The Rockstars

So now you’re wondering what makes them so kickass? Well here’s a taste of their awesomeness:

Tracy is inspiring women to rediscover their playful side through her nature hikes.

Julia advocated for years to reintroduce the bison to Banff National Park which happened last week!

Bonnie is living a “bucket-list” adventure across North America & connecting up with her different Soul Sistas along the way.

Laura is training to bike across Canada to raise money for kids with cancer for the second time.

Angie is educating Doulas and supporting Mamas and families before, during and after childbirth.

Debbie is elevating heart-based entrepreneurs to a larger online platform widening their impact.

Ronna is reconnecting and recharging women in nature through her nature-based yoga retreats.

Monika is inspiring Mamas to do their inner work through the support of Yoga Nidra.

Tracy is helping Mamas successfully breastfeed their babies with her healing hands.

Maegan is leading by example about what it means to be an engaged citizen on matters she deeply cares about and informing others how to do the same.

And that’s just off the top of my head. There are so many more kickass women who are making rockstar impacts all over the place. You see, good things ARE happening. And this is only in my small part of the world. What’s going on in yours?

Finding Your Own Tune

And hey, if you’ve got a deep desire to create your own tune but don’t know how to put it together, don’t waste another minute behind the scenes! You’ve got a song inside you that’s waiting to be sung and I can help you sing it. Join me for a FREE 40 minute Clarity Call here to fine tune what’s keeping you from being kickass and get yourself in the show!

It’s time to shine Soul Sista…like a Rock Star!

Photo by Brooke Lark