Suffering from Busyness? Weave These Calming Tips into Your Day!

What’s up Wednesday. Are you feeling like Busy Lizzy and you’re feeling too busy and overwhelmed and exhausted, and having no energy?

First of all, I want you to know you’re not alone. We’ve been wrestling with this busy-ness in our culture for a while now. And what I want to do today is just give you a couple simple tools that you can use so that you can be less busy and create more calm in your day.

I’ve got these two personas. One called Busy Lizzy and one I call Calm Kate. And we are never totally one or the other. It just depends on where we’re at. Sometimes we’re Busy Lizzy and sometimes we’re Calm Kate. But what I am hoping for you is as you weave these tools in to your daily routine, you can move away from the Busy Lizzy continuum, down into having more moments of being Calm Kate. Where life is flowing. You’re present. And you’ve simplified your life. Versus the Busy Lizzy who’s stressed out, whirling around, scattered and not present. And not in the moment at all.

I’ve got a couple of tips here I just want to share. They are simple. It’s just remembering them when we’re in a crazy state of Busy Lizzy. Let’s go through a couple of them.

The first one is to avoid the time management trap. What I mean by that is, there’s always this want for more time. If we had more time as women, we would feel like hey, we could get our to-do list done. But guess what? Our to-do list is never ending. And if you did have more time, you would continue to try and get more done on your list. Which would only further your exhaustion, your overwhelm, and your busy-ness.

So when we look at time, it is a finite resource. It’s not infinite. And getting more of it isn’t going to happen. There has to be a better way. What I teach women instead is, how to manage their energy. And that’s how you get out of the time management trap.

How you do this is, instead of running a marathon every day, run in spurts and sprints. Use your focus and attention on a task that you need to do. But follow that up with some downtime where you can refuel, you can recover, and you can relax. Ebb and flow that throughout your day. Periods of bursts or sprints followed by periods of downtime. And when you do that, you’ll accomplish more in your day. And, you’re also going to have time to rejuvenate and renourish yourself.

The other thing I want to mention, in terms of getting rid of your Busy Lizzy, is weave daily ritual into your world. Ritual and rhythm. What I mean by that is have a daily practice. Have a practice either first thing in the morning or last thing at night that nourishes you.

I talk about this in another What’s Up Wednesday, in particular the details of a daily ritual. But it could be things like gratitude points. Things that you are grateful for. It could be celebrating the successes you’ve had in your life. It could be visioning your ideal desired future or the life that you’re wanting. It could also be focusing on others. Taking time to, whether it’s prayer or sending good energy somewhere. Maybe it’s an act of forgiveness, forgiving yourself or people in your life. Whatever it is, create a daily practice where you can basically be present. It puts you in what I call a beautiful state. That’s that state where you are in high energy vibration. And the rest of your day will flow. So that’s one thing that you can do.

Also, weave in outside time and inside time into your day. If you are doing something inside, and you’re focused on that, have your downtime be maybe a nice walk outside. So there’s this beautiful rhythm between inside and outside.

And the other thing is, plan your week. I like to add rhythm into my week by having a certain day I do laundry for example. Or, you can meal plan. By having a set rhythm, it really nourishes you and creates more calm in your life. Those are a couple things you can do there with daily rhythm and ritual.

The other thing is to receive. As women, we have a difficult time receiving. We’re always giving, giving, giving. And to be able to bring in more receiving in your life, I just want you to practice doing some of these things I have here.

The first one, which is super simple, is just to receive a breath. And what I mean by that is a full belly breath. Not just these little shallow chest breathes that we do in our day to day. So receive a breath. And it’s amazing how a breath can remove the busy-iness. Because when we’re busy, we’re like future thinking. And by receiving a breath, we are able to be back in our body and more in the present moment.

The other thing is, when you are walking out and about, receive a smile. Smile at someone. And they’ll smile back. That is a beautiful way to receive and get into that flow of giving and receiving.

The other thing you can do is receive a compliment. Someone says, you look beautiful today, take that in and say thank you. The other thing is receive a helping hand. And this is one that we could use a lot more often than we do. And when you do receive a helping hand, just lower the expectations that it might not be done as good as you. But be grateful that you got some helping hands to help you out.  That’s another way you can get out of Busy Lizzy and get into more Calm Kate is by learning to receive throughout your day.

Last but not least, spend quality time with those that you love. Whether it be friends or family. Quality time doesn’t mean a lot of time. So, if you only have 15 minutes to play outside with your son, maybe soccer or something like that, make those the best 15 minutes possible. Where you are completely focused on the game and your son and you don’t have any other distractions. Or if you are snuggling at night with your partner, really be in that. Put your phone down. Really be in that moment. Be in that quality space. It will bring more calm into your world.

I have a bunch of other tips that I want to share with you. So I want to direct you to this free interview series that I am in. I am one of 20 different people that are being interviewed. It starts on May 1st. I’m sharing a bunch of my other tips to help people that are suffering from busy-ness. And not only that, I just talk about mindset and this series is called Unleashing the Real Raw Uncensored You. We’re talking about that whole topic, which is super fun and super interesting. So, I hope you can join me. The series begins May 1st. my interview will show up in your mailbox on May 13th. So, I hope you can join us. Click the link that I have below and sign up. It’s free. And you get daily inspirations. They are like 30 minute interviews with people. You can watch them while you’re cooking. You can listen to them in your car. Please join us!

Until then, channel your Calm Kate. Take some of these tools and weave them throughout your day. It’s the simple tools that we remember that we can use as a go-to. Have a great week, until next week, be abundant. Thank you!

Photo by Cynthia Magana