Is Your Relationship Feeling Stuck & Stale?

Hey there, its Leigh Ann Betts for What’s Up Wednesday. Are you feeling stuck and stale in your love relationship? Well, today I’m going to share some wisdom with you and I’m known as a certified Feng Shui practitioner and an abundance coach. So some of this wisdom that I am going to share with you today is from Feng Shui background. Some of it is shared women wisdom along the way. I’ve read a bunch of this stuff in books, or some of it could be my personal life experience as well as my life coaching background.

This first tip might surprise you, basically, actually I love that I have Paris in the background when I’m talking about relationships.  Because that is like the most romantic relationship in the world, right?

The first one that may surprise you is, switch spots in your bed. If you are on the left, and you are on the right, or boyfriend, switch and go on the other side. If you are feeling some resistance at this current moment, all the more reason you need to switch. This is the energy of changing it up. It’s about getting rid of the same old, same old. Those things that keep us stuck. One of those things, the reason why it’s such a beautiful energy to switch it up is because your room is the love and relationship area in terms of Feng Shui. Not only switching it up once, but I recommend switching it up from time to time. Like every six months or so. Try it. Be open to it. The more resistance you have, the more you need to change. Switch sides of the bed.

Number two is stop pushing your man out of your bedroom. What I mean by that is with too much stuff. If you are taking up more than 50% of the closet or 50% of the drawer space, you are literally and physically pushing your relationship out. It’s not even. It’s not reciprocal. So, pare down, declutter. Get rid of all that stuff, those shoes, those purses, the things you are not using. Only keep the stuff you love and use and need. The rest, give it the heave ho. That will create some space for your man. Because usually they have this small little spot in the corner. Make some room for your love relationship.

The other one is, leave little love notes. This is a beautiful thing to do. You can pop it in his lunch bag, maybe he’s reading a book and you can just shuffle through the pages and put a love note on page 280, and who knows when he is going to get it. You could put it on his pillow at night. Anywhere. Put these little love notes. It just brings in that spontaneity. And it just changes things up. Because a lot of times we get into these routines and we forget those pieces to bring in the romance.

Also, if you leave some love notes, maybe he will reciprocate and you will get a love note. But do it without expectation. Do it because you feel like you want to express your love. And I tell you, this alone will make a huge difference.

The other thing is, ditch the old bra and undies. Get rid of it. It’s time to, if you want to have more love energy in your love relationship, then go out and splurge and buy beautiful lingerie, beautiful items. Matching bras and panties. Not only will you feel beautiful every day when you put them on, your husband will so appreciate it, too. And see the beauty in you when he gets to feast his eyes on you. So get rid of the old stuff and in with the new.

The other thing is, sorry, I have lipstick on my teeth. There we go.

The other thing is, go to bed an hour early. You can just do this spontaneously as well. Go grab your partner’s hand. Put down all the electronics and lead him into your love nest an hour early. Maybe you want to have amazing conversations for that hour. Maybe you’re going to make love for that hour. Or, maybe you’re going to get more rest for that hour and snuggle. But, try that. Go to bed an hour earlier.

Then, just keep being spontaneous. That’s one of the biggest things that keeps us stale and stuck is that we’re like just getting into the same routine and we kind of forget about when we first met. All that magic that happened. All that, beautiful things we did for each other. All of that excitement. So, be spontaneous. If on the weekend you’ve got the block of an hour in the afternoon, if you have kids and they are out for an hour. Or, if you have no kids, plan to get together and make love in the afternoon. Instead of waiting until the evening. It’s like, we always think afterwards, I wish we would have done this sooner. Well, do it sooner!

Not only that, if it’s not time for love making, maybe it’s time to go for a walk together. And have a great conversation, or go out for coffee. But, be spontaneous.

Another thing could be, having a really intimate long kiss. Instead of the grandma peck. Go up and wrap your arms around your man and just lay it on him. See what response you get. This is just bringing in the energy of love and spontaneity and fun into your relationship.

Here’s another one. Get a Netflix series or TV series that you both can watch together. So, something you can both love that can be joint downtime on the couch. You can make the popcorn, maybe have a glass of wine. And just spend time together, laughing or enjoying a drama. So, find that series and make it so no one watches without the other person. So it’s like your thing. Check out some of the series. There’s amazing stuff on Netflix. And you don’t need to have a TV, you can just do it on your computer. Yeah, find something you both can enjoy.

Here’s another one. Go on a date. Here’s a date with a twist. A lot of times when we’re feeling that our relationship is stale, or we’re feeling disconnected from our partner, the thought of going out, the two of us, for a dinner is like, oh my gosh, what are we going to talk about? Because maybe you just talk about logistics. That tends to happen, where you forget to talk about the things that are important for each one of you. You just talk about, are you going to pick up the kids, or can you get the grocers. Yada, yada, yada. But, the twist is, go out with another couple. And the reason I say this is, it takes the pressure off the conversation. And it’s more fun. It’s a way of connecting socially with other people. And you’ll fall in love with your partner all over again. You get to see them in their element. Maybe you’re going to learn some new stories that you’ve never heard before. But it’s a beautiful way to reconnect with your lover.

That’s pretty much my tips to weave in, women’s wisdom, some Feng Shui elements, some of my past experience and some of my life coaching and all that kind of stuff. They are super simple. Sometimes that’s all we need is a little reminder. So if you are not on my coaching Facebook page already, please join me there for daily inspirations.

I put the link here so you can click through and join me. And until next week, enjoy your partner! Go out there and give him a big smooch. Thanks for joining me!

Photo by Timo Stern